American College of Wellness gives you the opportunity to differentiate yourself from other professionals in the wellness industry. The Certified Wellness Specialist (CWS) certification recognizes your continuing education and desire
to stay up-to-date on best practice. The Certified Obesity Management Specialist (COMS) certification signifies that you have taken our board certified course and are prepared to care for anyone who falls out of the healthy weight
Certified Obesity Management Specialist
The Board Certified Obesity Management Specialist, COMS program is an online, high-efficiency self-study program. It contains online material and forms for use with your clients. The content of the program covers the essentials of obesity management, which incorporates an understanding of nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral management.
The Board Certified Obesity Management Specialist program is designed for maximum flexibility. Study, review, and test online over the most up-to-date information at your convenience. COMS contains detailed explanations and interpretive data such as images, tables, and diagrams. The detailed content incorporated in the online program has been developed by practicing clinicians and leading educators.
COMS will assist and direct you to provide guidance to clients seeking advice on lifestyle changes, weight management, and overall improved health. The program provides you the fundamental skills of client assessments and general counseling strategies. You will also learn how to assist your clients to design and reach their goals while considering their risk factors.